Life in socialism (1945-1980)

Life in socialism (1945-1980) - Radina Vučetić

Аутор: Радина Вучетић
Илустратор: Владимир Бурсаћ

Узраст: 10-11, 12-13, 13+

Формат: 17 x 24 cm
Број страна: 36 стр.
Повез: меки повез, пун колор
Писмо: латиница
Година издања: 2020
ISBN: 978-86-529-0835-6
Продајна шифра: SOCE

Life in socialism (1945-1980)

Радина Вучетић

Discover how people lived in socialism!

Find out:

♦ what the participants of youth working actions built

♦ when the first loans were introduced

♦ when Fića became the national car

♦ when women gained suffrage

♦ how people celebrated Josip Broz Tito’s birthday

♦ how the 1968 student demonstrations ended

HOW PEOPLE ONCE LIVED edition describes everyday lives of people from the central Balkans from prehistoric times to modern day. Texts by renowned experts, lavish illustrations, treasures from museums’ collections and archives, but also results of archaeological studies, will unveil an exciting past, full of new and unknown details.

*Izdanje knjige "Život u socijalizmu (1945–1980)" na engleskom jeziku!

Категорије: Књиге на енглеском језику
Едиција: Овако се живело

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